
Paper and Light. Alexej Tchernyi's artistic media are paper and light. The starting point of the work could be described as the fascination with a torn piece of paper: the artist held the torn sheet up to the light and discovered the complex textural play of the silhouette in contre-jour. Alexej Tchernyi sees great potential in the everyday material of paper, whose inherent nature is rarely questioned. This leads to a decades-long examination of the material and the formulation of a very unique artistic language: the sculptural treatment of sheets of paper and the visualization of this artistic intervention through the use of backlighting.

  • 1976 - born in Ukraine
  • 1991-1994 - studied stage design in Charkiw, Ukraine
  • 1996-2000 - studied free art in Kassel university, Germany
  • 2000-2006 - studied animation in HFF Potsdam, Germany
  • since 2007 - live and work in Berlin


  • „Horror Vahui“ Solo show, Vinogradov Galerie, Berlin
  • „De Libertate“ Group Exhibition, Landeshaus LVR in Cologne
  • „Viyna. Kharkiv.Berlin-Wedding“ Group exhebition, Blahblah Projektraum in Berlin
  • 4 x Paper Dioramas, permanent collection in Navareum, Straubing
  • Aambulanz-Kollektiv, „Back to the Future II“, Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin
  • Aambulanz-Kollektiv, „Back to the Future“, Kunstverein Markdorf


  • Aambulanz-Kollektiv, „Future Flowers“ Kostbar Galery, Berlin
  • Plastic Diorama „ Kunft“  permanent collection in Futureum , Berlin


  • Aambulanz-Kollektiv,  Art Vilnius, Lituania
  • Aambulanz-Kollektiv, „Somnaambulanz“ Atelierhof – Berlin/ Kreuzberg
  • Aambulanz-Kollekti „Karma Laundry – Secret Lockdown Show“ Berlin
  • Aambulanz-Kollekti „Prelude“ - Secret Lockdown Show“ Berlin


  • Solo Exhebition, Minibar Galery, Berlin


  • animation machine for theater project, „Teufel mit drei goldene Haare“ by SBLM


  • Solo exhibition, `Bildnisse im Papier II` Ventilator 24 in Berlin
  • Goup exhibition, ‘Artgeschoss 2017’ in Salzgitter Bad, Germany
  • Solo exhebition in Galerie Buchhandlung Braun&Hasenplug, Berlin
  • Lighting theater Performance in Berlin in PAF Festival, Berlin
  • Group exhibition, Kunstschorle, Projektraum Ventilator 24, Berlin
  •  Group exhibition, ‘The next step - Der nächste Schritt', Gallery Flox, Dresden


  • Solo exhibition ‘Bildnisse im Papier I’’, Ventilator 24 in Berlin
  • Theater stage design & live performance animation machine, `Enter the hydra`  in Hebel am Uffer, Berlin
  • exhibition with Wu Zhi, 'Politic Prisoners', SOMA Galerie, Berlin
  • Group exhibition, „Reinhard“, Framstasse 7, Berlin


  • Solo exhibition, Ventilator 24 in Berlin
  • Lighting theater performance, Uffer Studios, Berlin
  • 14 x Paper  Dioramas ‘Froteufel’ , permanent collection in Grimmwelt Kassel


  • Group exhibition Projektraum Ventilator 24, Berlin
  • Group exhibition, Galerie Merbecks, Chemnitz
  • Group exhibition, Galerie FLOX, Schirgiswalde-Kirschau
  • Performance ighting theater, Ambulatorium, Berlin
  • Performance ighting theater,in KRIMINALGERICHT Berlin
  • Lighting theater, in Uffer Hallen, Berlin
  • Group exhibition, WESTWERK Hamburg
  • Group exhibition, Projektraum Ventilator 24 Berlin
  • Group exhibition, UHRWERK gallery Berlin


  • Paper installation ‘Leben am See’, permanent collection in Paläon museum, Schönigen
  • Performance, AMBULATORIUM, Berlin
  • Group exhibition, media city, Leipzig


  • International exhibition ‘Voir en peinture III’ Galerie La Box, ENSA Bourges, France
  • group exhibition ‘Screenshot’ in Gallery UHRWERK, Berlin
  • group exhibition ‘Working in progress’ in Kunsthouse Tacheles, Berlin


  • International exhibition ‘Media Pespective’ in Chongqing, China



´ Supereroica `

24 min. / stopmotion / paper & light


` Das Leben, der Tod und das Leben nach dem Tod von Tokarew `

68 min./experemental technique/Live Projektion


‘ Rao Yi Sheng ’

6:30 min. / HD / stop motion

  • Berlinale 2011
  • International Short Film Competition of Milano Film Festival
  • Kasseler Dokfest 2011
  • Filmtage Augsburg 2011
  • International Film Festival TOFIFEST 2011
  • Timishort Film Festival 2011
  • International Festival of Short Films & New Images Rome
  • SXSW 2011
  • 28th Hamburg International Short Film Festival


‘ Kitaj 31/1 ’

50 min. / stop motion


‘ Kameraden ’

12 min. / HD / Oil paintings on glas


‘ Kubiki ’

6min. / HD / puppet animation / mixed media


‘ Dromlin ’

2min / DV-Pal / mixed animation

‘ Global hand ’

1min. / DV-Pal

‘ E=Albert ‘

03:20min. / DV-Pal / mixed animation

‘ Father ‘

03:00min. / HD / mixed animation


‘ Ching Chang ’

04:50 min. / DV-Pal / animation

‘ Slon ’ video installation
‘ Schloss ’ video installation 
‘ Dong xi ’ video installation


‘ Fish soup ’

10:10min. / DV-Pal /animation

‘ Bosch party P.S. ’ video installation


‘ Surfing on my bed ’

4min. / 35mm / scratch animation on 35mm film
